
Elevate Your Strategy with the Top 10 AI Marketing Tools of 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept; it’s a present-day reality transforming the marketing industry at an unprecedented pace. PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Global Artificial Intelligence Study predicts that AI will […]


Harnessing Personas: A Guide for Startup B2B Companies to Optimize Targeting and Personalization

The Power of Personas in B2B Startups For startup B2B companies, the ability to precisely target and personalize marketing efforts can be a game-changer. Personas, which are semi-fictional representations of […]


The Ultimate Tool for Marketing Professionals: 15 Ways to Use a Brand Guide

Developing a brand guide is all about maintaining brand identity by including specific instructions for every brand element in a single document so that employees, marketing agencies, and any approved […]


What Is The Best Strategic Planning Framework?

Transforming your vision into a lucrative business seems like the biggest challenge for most people. However, there has been a steady increase in business applications as of June 2023, adjusted […]


Top Marketing Content Writing Tools in 2023

Content writing is a growing industry, and it’s a significant contributor to a $400 billion worth content marketing industry. However, as writers keep churning out new and fresh content, the content […]


Ideal Customer Profiles vs. Buyer Personas: What’s the Difference?

Understanding the customers your business intends to target is an essential step in figuring out your brand’s identity. Who are you hoping to reach? How are you going to reach […]


11 Different Perspectives for Buyer Personas and ICPs

Knowing your customers is how you reach them. Businesses worldwide focus their marketing on reaching the right audience segments, and to do that, you must have a deep understanding of […]


Do Small Businesses Need to Define Brand Hierarchy?

Any company’s branding strategy should intend to convey a positive and accurate message about the enterprise and its products to a target customer group. How potential and existing customers feel […]


What is An Ideal Customer Profile and Why Do You Need One?

In the past, market experts have emphasized the concept of settling for realistic goals rather than idealistic ones. This means that marketers have historically set achievable objectives and tapered their […]


Key Components of a Customer Profile in 2024

Easier said than done? Not necessarily. Fundamentally, grasping the persona builder basics will give you everything you need to stay ahead of the curve. Let’s dive deep into what makes […]


B2B Content Marketing Requires Deep Customer Knowledge

Are you struggling to make any significant strides with your current content marketing strategy? Do you feel like it’s simply not hitting the nail on the head? It’s possibly because […]


The Best Audience Targeting Strategies to Win Your Ideal Customers

In marketing, the goal isn’t to appeal to as many people as possible. The goal is to appeal to as many realistic potential buyers as possible. This requires awareness from […]


What Are Rockefeller Habits and How Businesses Can Implement Them

The “Rockefeller Habits” are among the most regarded business strategy frameworks that have been practiced by numerous executives and entrepreneurs for the last 2 decades to make their businesses flourish. […]


Top 10 Strategic Planning Books

1. Strategy Safari by Henry Mintzberg, Joseph Lampel & Bruce Ahlstrand As the first book on our list, Strategy Safari introduces readers to the concept of strategy. If you’re a […]


Morning Breakthrough: What are BHAGs?

Oh, hey, you must be here to hear about BHAGs. BHAGs are Big Hairy Audacious Goals and they’re really meant to be something that you can define that will get […]


Morning Breakthrough: Avoid Vanity Values

When it comes to core values, what we don’t want to do is make them vanity values. And what I mean by that is a lot of times people will […]


How Does Brand Voice Affect Your Marketing Strategy and Conversion Rate?

During the past few decades, consumers have become more engaged with what they see and learn online than with more traditional media forms like TV, newspapers, and magazines. While all […]


What Are the Components of a Strategic Plan?

Making a strategic plan is resource-consuming. After all, a lot of research and effort from the whole team goes into it. A company has to take care of multiple components […]


The Top 5 Strategic Planning Methodologies

With the best strategic planning methodology in place, your business will be proactive as opposed to being reactive. You will seamlessly increase your operational efficiency with proper strategic planning and […]


The Entrepreneurial Operating System and Its Benefits for Businesses

This system has been used by well-known companies such as Zoup!, McKinley, and imageOne, to name a few. In short, it’s a way of managing your company in an entrepreneurial […]


How Do Entrepreneurs Write A Strategic Plan?

Starting a business will no doubt be among the highlights of your life. Unfortunately, a study conducted by the University of Tennessee found that 44% of companies fail within their first […]


11 Tips For Brainstorming Your SWOT

Every business needs to do a SWOT analysis as it executes its operations. After all, each company should know where it stands and where it is heading. SWOT is simply […]


Company Vision: What is it?

Before we start anything, we usually develop some idea about  the desired outcome. For a company or organizational startups seeking a refocus to get back on track, leaders also should […]


Vision & Mission: What’s the Difference?

Strategic planning driven by meaningful Vision and Mission statements helps create common goals within any organization, according to a recent BoardEffect article. While the differences between these statements are often […]


How Companies Can Communicate Their Strategic Vision to Employees

Communication of strategic vision is effective when employees receive a message, understand its intent, and act on it. But the real world presents challenges for employees like: Getting swamped with […]


Components of a Business Strategy that Marketing Personas Influence

Marketing personas heavily influence business strategies, and when they are backed with solid customer research and insights, they will create better results. Every business has a core customer base, and […]


Why Big Hairy Audacious Goals Are Most Important To Your Business

After interviewing dozens of successful founders, we’ve found that BHAGs often come up in conversation when talking about how those founders scaled up their business. In this article, we’ll provide […]


What Are Core Values and Why Do They Matter?

What are Core Values? Generally speaking, the Core Values of a business are a set of principles or philosophies that guide or shape the organization’s culture and identity. They are […]


HR Teams: How to Implement Core Values

So after a lot of workshopping, discussion, and perhaps even a bit of debate, your organization has just established its Core Values–maybe even using Frictionless to do it––congrats! However, that’s […]


Why Audience Segmentation Improves Marketing

Think about the last time you gave someone a gift. Odds are you didn’t give the person the same gift you had given to your spouse a few months ago. […]


Top 10 Market Research Articles

Let’s face it – not everyone has time to sit down and read a lengthy article on a topic like marketing. Even if it’s critical to your company’s success, and […]


Top 11 Audience Research Tools

It’s a common quality across the board – people don’t like change. In fact, according to research, Americans buy the same 50 items, accounting for around 85% of household needs. […]


How to do Market Research?

“Failure to do market research before you begin a business venture or during its operation is like driving a car from Texas to New York without a map or street […]


What is a Customer Avatar?

  When you’re in charge or running a business, you’re always looking for ways to attract “new” everything – customers, subscribers, maybe even old customers. What’s the way to do […]


How to Create the Ideal Customer Avatar?

You already know how important it is to create your ideal customer avatar – but what ingredients go into this widespread melting pot? Since it’s critical for your avatar to […]


The Best Audience Research Methods

How often do you ask yourself this question: How well do I know my audience? A lot of people think they know their audience – which is their first mistake. Knowing […]


The Elements That Make a Successful Persona

Like most business owners, you likely know the key to success is knowing your customer. But getting to know your customer is part of the battle. How do you get […]


5 Steps to Define Your Target Market

Whether you’re selling automotive parts or uniforms, every single business has one major element in common – they need to define a target audience. Completely understanding your target audience means […]


Using Personas for a Startup

Congratulations – you’re part of a start-up company! Whether you’re the owner or just a part of the team, you’re still a critical piece of the company. While you’ve likely […]


How to Use Personas for Content Writing

Once you’ve got your buyer persona laid out, half the battle is over. But you’ve still got the over half to tackle, which can be one of the hardest parts: […]