Ideal Customer Profiles vs. Buyer Personas: What’s the Difference?

Understanding the customers your business intends to target is an essential step in figuring out your brand’s identity. Who are you hoping to reach? How are you going to reach […]

What is An Ideal Customer Profile and Why Do You Need One?

In the past, market experts have emphasized the concept of settling for realistic goals rather than idealistic ones. This means that marketers have historically set achievable objectives and tapered their […]

The Best Audience Targeting Strategies to Win Your Ideal Customers

In marketing, the goal isn’t to appeal to as many people as possible. The goal is to appeal to as many realistic potential buyers as possible. This requires awareness from […]

Top 10 Strategic Planning Books

1. Strategy Safari by Henry Mintzberg, Joseph Lampel & Bruce Ahlstrand As the first book on our list, Strategy Safari introduces readers to the concept of strategy. If you’re a […]

How Does Brand Voice Affect Your Marketing Strategy and Conversion Rate?

During the past few decades, consumers have become more engaged with what they see and learn online than with more traditional media forms like TV, newspapers, and magazines. While all […]