Discover and solve for your foundational strategic vision.

Our platform was built with entrepreneurs in mind.

Manage all aspects of your startup’s growth and develop more impactful strategies in a blink of the eye.

man in gray long sleeve shirt standing in front of blue and yellow puzzle mat

Key Features

What are you looking to do?

  • Market Research Detail & investigate ICPs, Personas & Competitors.
  • Strategic Workshops  Collaboratively engage clients for strategy.
  • Idea Automation  Get content, campaign and sales ideas instantly.
  • Content Creation  A unique and powerful methodology for writing.


Strategy and guidance at your finger tips.

  • What exactly is Frictionless?
    Frictionless is a dynamic platform designed to help entrepreneurs develop, refine, and implement their strategic visions with ease.

    Using advanced AI and proven consulting methodologies, it aims to streamline the planning and execution process for scaling businesses.

  • How can Frictionless improve my current business strategy?
    By providing a structured framework based on decades of consulting experience, Frictionless guides you to focus on what truly matters for your business.

    It helps you build foundational strategy, identify new opportunities, refine your market positioning, and innovate continuously through automated insights and analysis.

  • Is Frictionless suitable for businesses at any stage?

    Whether you’re just starting out or looking to scale an established business, Frictionless offers valuable tools and insights to enhance your strategic planning and implementation.

  • How does the collaborative feature work?
    The collaborative feature facilitates virtual workshops allowing your team to engage in strategic problem-solving together.

    With the help of AI-driven questions and methodologies, your team can achieve more refined and intelligent outcomes.

  • Can Frictionless help with content creation?
    Yes, one of the key features of Frictionless is its powerful content creation methodology.

    It assists in generating impactful content suited to your strategic needs, ensuring your messaging aligns with your business goals.

  • What kind of market research capabilities does Frictionless offer?
    Frictionless provides comprehensive tools for conducting detailed market research.

    You can explore Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs), personas, and competitors, gaining insights to strategically position your offerings.

  • Is there a learning curve associated with using Frictionless?
    While Frictionless is a robust platform, it is designed with user-friendliness in mind.

    Most users find the interface intuitive, and we offer extensive tutorials, resources and support to help teams get up to speed quickly.

  • What kind of support does Frictionless offer to its users?
    We offer comprehensive support including online tutorials, FAQs, live chat support…

    And a dedicated help desk to assist our users in leveraging the platform to its fullest potential.

  • How do I get started with Frictionless?
    Getting started is simple.

    Sign up for a free account or contact us through our website, and a member of our team will guide you through the setup process tailored to your team’s specific needs and objectives.

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