You’ll love using Frictionless for more impactful engagements.

Our platform was built with coaches and consultants in mind.

Manage all your client’s growth and develop more effective strategies for them in a blink of the eye.

two woman sits on sofa chairs inside house

Key Features

What are you looking to do?

  • Market Research  Detail & investigate ICPs, Personas & Competitors.
  • Strategic Workshops  Collaboratively engage clients for strategy.
  • Idea Automation  Get content, campaign and sales ideas instantly.
  • Content Creation  A unique and powerful methodology for writing.


Frictionless is a powerful tool for coaches & consultants.

  • Can I use this across multiple clients?
    Yes, Frictionless allows you to manage multiple clients and brands within a single platform.

    This centralized approach streamlines operations and ensures consistent strategies across all clients, regardless of size or industry.

  • Is it a separate space for each client?
    Yes, Frictionless allows coaches and consultants to create private and shared workspaces for each of their clients.

    This ensures that teams can collaborate seamlessly and securely with clients, while also maintaining confidentiality for sensitive information. The centralized hub also enables easy access to all client workspaces and the latest strategies at any time.

  • Are there discounts if I have many brands/clients?
    Our pricing plans are flexible and can be customized to suit the needs of coaches & consultants managing multiple brands or clients.

    Additionally, we offer an affiliate partner program. You can learn more about our Partner Program here.

  • How does Frictionless enhance coach-client collaboration?
    Frictionless provides various collaboration tools…

    Including real-time online workshops and shared strategic workspaces that ensure seamless communication and strategy development between coaches/consultants and their clients.


  • How does Frictionless manage market research?
    Frictionless allows coaches and consultants to conduct in-depth market research…

    By detailing and investigating Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs), personas, and competitors, utilizing both AI-driven insights and traditional research methods.

  • What kind of support does Frictionless offer to its users?
    We offer comprehensive support including…

    Online tutorials, FAQs, live chat support, and a dedicated help desk to assist our users in leveraging the platform to its fullest potential.

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