You don’t need a high-priced consultant to have a solid strategy.

Our platform is perfect for mission-based organizations.

Manage your nonprofit’s brand and develop impactful strategies in the blink of an eye.

Key Features

What are you looking to do?

  • Market Research  Detail & investigate ICPs, Personas & Competitors.
  • Strategic Workshops  Collaboratively engage clients for strategy.
  • Idea Automation  Get content, campaign and sales ideas instantly.
  • Content Creation  A unique and powerful methodology for writing.


Frictionless is a powerful tool for non-profits.

  • How can Frictionless specifically help non-profits with limited budgets?
    Frictionless is designed to maximize the impact of non-profits by…

    Providing cost-effective solutions for market research, strategy development, and content creation, ensuring that even organizations with limited budgets can benefit from our comprehensive suite of tools.

  • What features of Frictionless are most beneficial for non-profits looking to increase their reach?
    Non-profits will find our Strategic Workshops, Idea Automation, and Content Creation features particularly beneficial for increasing their reach.

    These tools are geared towards fostering collaboration, generating innovative ideas, and producing impactful content that can captivate and engage a wider audience.

  • Can Frictionless assist non-profits in volunteer and donor engagement?
    Yes, our platform offers tools tailored to improve engagement strategies.

    Through targeted market research and strategic workshops, non-profits can better understand their volunteers and donors, leading to more effective communication and engagement tactics.

  • How does Frictionless accommodate the varied tech-savviness levels within non-profit teams?
    Frictionless is designed with user-friendliness in mind.

    Our platform offers a range of intuitive tools and resources that cater to all levels of tech expertise, ensuring that your entire team can easily collaborate, innovate, and execute strategies effectively.

  • Is there a learning curve associated with using Frictionless?
    While Frictionless is a robust platform, it is designed with user-friendliness in mind.

    Most users find the interface intuitive, and we offer extensive tutorials, resources and support to help teams get up to speed quickly.

  • What kind of support does Frictionless offer to its users?
    We offer comprehensive support including online tutorials, FAQs, live chat support…

    And a dedicated help desk to assist our users in leveraging the platform to its fullest potential.

  • How do I get started with Frictionless?
    Getting started is simple.

    Sign up for a free account or contact us through our website, and a member of our team will guide you through the setup process tailored to your team’s specific needs and objectives.

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